Skytree Opens Its Doors to Its New Office

Published on 
January 26, 2024

On 18 January, the entire Skytree team gathered to welcome friends, family, investors and partners to our brand new office at the Science Park in Amsterdam. 

After an incredible year of growth for the company, Skytree now sits across the entirety of the fifth floor of Matrix ONE, the flagship building at the Science Park. Here, we have lab space, engineering rooms and office space for our colleagues across all teams and departments. 

This event was a great reminder of how supported the team is as it grows, and included welcome speeches from our founder Max Beaumont, CEO Rob van Straten, and long-term supporter of Skytree, Bart van Meurs, founder of Division Q. Guests were also invited to tour the Skytree offices, visit our prototype museum to better understand our velocity of innovation, see our Research & Development Lab that showcases the material that captures CO2 along with our testing rig. Guests also had a chance see our Skytree Cumulus unit in action, and hear about the future markets for Skytree. 

A huge thank you to our team for making the event happen, and to our supporters for their continued belief in Skytree, Direct Air Capture technology, and the exciting future we have ahead.

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